
20. June 2022.
MedILS Summer School in Bioinformatics

MedILS Summer School in Bioinformatics

The Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS) in Split, Croatia, is organizing the international summer school entitled “MedILS Summer School in Bioinformatics” that will be held from 29th August – 2nd September 2022 Main topics that will be covered are: Next generation...

02. March 2022.
Cancellation of the 2023 FEBS Congress planned for Moscow

Cancellation of the 2023 FEBS Congress planned for Moscow

In light of the recent events, the FEBS Executive Committee has decided to cancel the 2023 FEBS Congress planned for Moscow  Plans for an alternative FEBS scientific event in summer 2023 will be considered and announced later this...

28. February 2022.
FEBS Letters article by Bruce Alberts: Why science education is more important than most scientists think

FEBS Letters article by Bruce Alberts: Why science education is more important than most scientists think

FEBS Letters brings interesting article on the subject "Why science education is more important than most scientists think" by Bruce Alberts This renowned scientists and educator gives his opinion why it is important to change the way we educate science, challenged by the recent COVID-19 pandemic...

28. February 2022.
Join the Mendel Genetics Conference: A Tribute to Gregor Johann Mendel on His Birth Bicentennial

Join the Mendel Genetics Conference: A Tribute to Gregor Johann Mendel on His Birth Bicentennial

This year we celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of the father of genetics, Gregor Johann Mendel To pay tribute to this pre-eminent scientist of the 19th century, Mendel Genetics Conference will take place between 20–23 July, 2022, in Brno, Czech Republic, the city where Mendel spent a...

28. February 2022.
FEBS Education Committee Winter Webinar

FEBS Education Committee Winter Webinar

We invite you to join the FEBS Education Committee Winter Webinar on March 3, 2022 Thursday at 15:00 - 16:00 (CET) Our speaker, Prof Susanne Voelkel (University of Liverpool, UK) will give us an amazing talk entitled: "Traditional lectures, lecture capture, and online learning – lessons for...

21. December 2021.
IUBMB Newsletter

IUBMB Newsletter

The latest issue of the IUBMB Newsletter, which is designed to keep you informed about programs, opportunities and events offered by the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, has just been published In this Issue you can read about past events, meet new members of the...