
rujan 26 2023

Poziv na predavanje dr. sc Vladimira Rogova pod naslovom  “Targeting human ATG8 proteins for the development of proximity-based modalities in biology and medicine”

Poziv na predavanje dr. sc Vladimira Rogova pod naslovom  “Targeting human ATG8 proteins for the development of proximity-based modalities in biology and medicine”

Objavljeno 14.09.2023.

Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju i Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu organiziraju zajednički znanstveni kolokvij na kojem će dr. sc. Vladimir Rogov (Goethe University, Institute for Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Frankfurt am Main, Njemačka) održati predavanje pod naslovom “Targeting human Atg8 proteins for the development of proximity-based  modalities in biology and medicine”.

Predavanje će se održati u utorak 26. rujna u 14:00 sati u dvorani B104 (Medicinski fakultet u Splitu, Šoltanska 2).

Nekoliko riječi o predavaču u nastavku:

Vladimir Rogov obtained his PhD in thermodynamics of protein folding at the Institute of
Protein Research, Pushchino, Russia, in the lab of Peter Privalov (1995). He continued his
career as a senior scientist at Goethe-University of Frankfurt, Germany (the lab of Heinz
Rüterjans,1997-2004). He joined the Institute of Biophysical Chemistry in 2004. Since 2010
Vladimir has led a research group studying protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions
across autophagy and ubiquitination pathways. His main research interests
include the characterization of affinity, specificity, and driving forces of interactions between
human autophagy modifiers (LC3/GABARAP proteins) and a broad spectrum of LIR-
containing proteins by a number of biophysical and biochemical methods. Since 2020 he has
been a group leader at the Institute for Pharmaceutical Chemistry and focused mostly on
targeting LC3/GABARAPs proteins by small chemical compounds.